Sensor farms, the road to efficient and sustainable agricultural production

Technology is revolutionising the way the food we eat is grown to minimise its environmental impact.

The management of agricultural production in Andalusia is changing. Protecting the environment and improving the quality of the products we consume is a common goal. And in this task, there is a type of device that plays a fundamental role: sensors on crops in agricultural farms.

We tell you more about how these sensors work:

Monitoring the effects of climate
Sensors installed on farms can collect real-time weather data. These devices measure parameters such as temperature, humidity, solar radiation and wind speed. With this information, farmers can better understand weather conditions and how they affect production control.

Irrigation control
Efficient irrigation is always crucial, but even more so in drought contexts. Soil moisture sensors can measure the amount of water and transmit the data in real time. This allows you to determine the exact amount of water your crops need at any given time. By avoiding over- or under-irrigation, farmers can conserve water, reduce costs and minimise environmental impact.

Early detection of diseases and pests
Plant health is vital to agricultural production. Sensors installed on farms can detect early signs of diseases and pests by monitoring changes in plant temperature, humidity and electrical conductivity. By receiving early warnings, farmers can intervene quickly, apply precise treatments and minimise crop damage.

Fertiliser optimisation
Overuse of fertilisers can be harmful to the environment and costly for farmers. Sensors can measure nutrient levels in the soil and provide farmers with detailed information about the fertiliser needs of each area of their farm. With this information, they can apply fertiliser more accurately and reduce wastage, thus improving the sustainability of agricultural production.

Intelligent crop management
By combining data from multiple sensors, farmers can use intelligent management systems to optimise their crops. Advanced algorithms can analyse the data collected and provide recommendations on the right time for planting, irrigation and harvesting. This technology allows farmers to maximise the yield of their crops and minimise the resources used.

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