Autonomous vehicles and intelligent machinery

Its use has an impact on the improvement of the producer’s work and the optimisation of resources such as water, which is vital in the context of climate change.

Unmanned autonomous vehicles and intelligent irrigation machines play a fundamental role in improving crop development and management, optimising the use of resources such as water, fertilisers and phytosanitary products. This leads to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by optimising processes across the board.


Unmanned autonomous vehicles are designed for the development of automatisms in certain agricultural tasks and offer the possibility of analysing images automatically and in real-time, allowing the monitoring of weeds, the phenological, nutritional and water status of the crop, as well as the detection and monitoring of pests and diseases.


As for smart irrigation machinery, its main function is the precise application of the water needed for a given crop, minimising the environmental impact without compromising the high yield of the crop in any way. This enables significant energy and water use savings, which is vital in the context of climate change.

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