Andalusia, a leader in innovation to improve your diet

Protecting biodiversity to improve your daily life through food

Andalusia, a leader in innovation to improve your diet

Protecting biodiversity to improve your daily life through food

What is SmartFood?

What is SmartFood?

SmartFood works from Andalusia to promote the sustainable development of the agricultural and fisheries sectors through technology and innovation.
  • Pioneering investment project

    From Andalusia and with global impact

    Technology and innovation as allies

    Protection and study of biodiversity

    A healthy diet

SmartFood works from Andalusia to promote the sustainable development of the agricultural and fisheries sectors through technology and innovation.

Pioneering investment project

From Andalusia and with global impact

Technology and innovation as allies

Protection and study of biodiversity

A healthy diet

SmartFood was created to respond to three of the major challenges of the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (EECTI))

To guarantee food safety and the best flavour in Andalusian products.
Preserving biodiversity with innovation and technology as allies.
Ensure efficiency in the use of resources and raw materials.

SmartFood was created to respond to three of the major challenges of the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (EECTI))


To guarantee food safety and the best flavour in Andalusian products.


Preserving biodiversity with innovation and technology as allies.


Ensure efficiency in the use of resources and raw materials.


Here are some of the most relevant data that will give you a better understanding of how the Smartfood initiative affects your daily life.


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A new model of smart food

Andalusia is at forefront of research and technological innovation in the agricultural and fisheries sectors.

A new model of smart food

Andalusia is at forefront of research and technological innovation in the agricultural and fisheries sectors.


SmartFood is the result of a collaboration between the European Union, the Junta de Andalucía and a group of researchers from the main Andalusian universities. Together they are working to improve the productivity and sustainability of agriculture and fisheries through innovation and technology..

Newsletter SmartFood

What technological advances are making Andalusian agriculture and fisheries more sustainable? How does SmartFood affect your life? We tell you this and more in our newsletter

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Newsletter SmartFood

What technological advances are making Andalusian agriculture and fisheries more sustainable? How does SmartFood affect your life? We tell you this and more in our newsletter

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Want to know more about SmartFood?
Contact us and we will be happy to help you..

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