Saving water in times of drought: precision irrigation in Andalusia

Optimising water resources in the Andalusian region is one of the challenges of the SmartFood project.

Water scarcity poses major challenges. These are even greater in times of drought, especially in Andalusia, where the agri-food industry is one of the economic engines. But did you know that our region is one of the regions with the most advanced research and innovation plans for saving water in agriculture? We tell you all about it.


A common threat: climate change

Every advance and evolution arises from a need. In the case of Andalusia, making efficient use of natural and water resources is fundamental. The region is rich in landscapes and biodiversity, both of which are seriously threatened by climate change.


More than 40 researchers involved in the SmartFood project are working to develop water-saving solutions. The solution: technology and innovation.


Real-time data collection

Numerous variables affect the growth and health of a crop. These are called ‘ecosystem services’. Through data collection, researchers obtain a lot of information that allows something fundamental to avoid a problem: anticipation. Pests, growth problems or plant diseases are some of the anomalies that can be detected.


Precision irrigation: every drop counts

Precision irrigation uses technologies such as sensors and monitoring systems. It collects real-time data on soil conditions, moisture, evaporation and other relevant factors. This is used to determine the exact amount of water required to meet the needs of the plants in each specific area of the field.


By applying water in a precise and controlled manner, water wastage is avoided and costs associated with over-irrigation are reduced. In addition, precision irrigation can contribute to improved crop productivity, as plants receive the right amount of water at the right time, which enhances their growth and development.


The main objective: to control water use by avoiding both under- and over-irrigation. In other words, through sensors and monitoring devices, it is possible to know exactly how much water the plant needs and exactly how much water it receives. No more and no less. This prevents wastage and ensures efficient use of this vital resource.

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