Design, construction and launch of a nanosatellite into space

Innovation and information technology at the service of our primary sector.

One of the most ambitious challenges of the SmartFood project is the launch of a space device into orbit.

This nanosatellite complements information from other remote sensors. The use of these small satellites, also called CubeSats or cube satellites, opens up a whole new range of possibilities for tracking, monitoring and analysing activities in the primary sector.


The data and images provided by the nanosatellite help to propose new approaches and provide new tools for monitoring and managing activity in agriculture and fisheries. This offers great opportunities for the primary sector, both for the development of new systems and for decision-making aimed at improving productivity and sustainability.

In practice, the images taken by nano satellites help us to monitor variables such as evaporation or vegetation indices in detail, which is very useful for precision agriculture and fishing, the study and monitoring of crop phenology, riparian vegetation and the impacts caused by floods..


In the hydrological context, the data provided by nanosatellites offer a unique opportunity for the study of water use dynamics, water resource management and accurate and optimised drought monitoring.

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