Launching of balloon probes and unmanned flights

A high-altitude deployment to obtain data for detailed analysis of the state of biodiversity.

Balloon probes are a type of hot-air balloon that lifts a set of instruments into the atmosphere to collect and provide information on parameters such as atmospheric pressure, temperature or humidity.


They are capable of taking data at different altitudes on their way to higher altitudes in the atmosphere, which is an important strategic advantage in terms of biodiversity monitoring, analysis and decision-making. At the end of the mission, the balloon explodes and the measurement equipment is returned to the Earth’s surface with a parachute


Each balloon probe consists of three insulated boxes in which all the electronics necessary for monitoring and controlling the flight, a multispectral camera, a thermal camera and the SmartFood project’s own electronic development for measuring the different variables

And the SmartFood project’s electronic development for measuring the different variables is installed.

For their part, UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicles are a very useful tool for taking images at low altitudes, at an average altitude of 300 metres. This makes it possible to study and analyse in detail the state of biodiversity and the effects of agricultural and fishing activities..

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